Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Program
PBV Announcements
Status of the current funding round:
The 2023 Project-Based Voucher RFP is NOW AVAILABLE! Click here to view the Procurement - Bid Opportunities webpage.
Status of the previous funding round:
The 2022 Project-Based Voucher applications are currently under review by HAKC staff and will be announced upon individual applicant approval.
Please click here to view the list of previously awarded projects.
What is the Project-Based Voucher Program?
The PBV program is a part of HAKC's Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program. It allows HAKC to provide rent subsidies to residents out of their tenant-based voucher funding. Up to 20% of voucher units can be used for PBVs. It is a competitive process with the Request for Proposal (RFP) being prepared by Procurement, Planning and Development, Law, and Finance staff and then reviewed by an internal review committee. Visit the PBV Webpage for further details and the most up-to-date notices about the PBV Regulations (24 CFR Part 983).
What is a Subsidy Layering Review?
The SLR is a review conducted by HUD to ensure the amount of HUD funding does not exceed what is necessary to make the PBV financially feasible in consideration of other government funding. Visit the PBV Webpage for further details and the most up-to-date notices about the SLR Regulations (24 CFR Part 983.55).
- SLR Frequently Asked Questions
- SLR Memo and Required Application Materials
What is an Environmental Review?
The Environmental Review is conducted by the "responsible entity," which at the time is the City of Kansas City, Missouri. The Environmental Review is meant to gauge a project's compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and its potential environmental impacts to determine whether it meets federal, state, and local environmental standards. Based on the kind of development a project will undergo, a Part 50 or Part 58 review is required. Visit the HUD Exchange Environmental Review Website for more information.
- ER Frequently Asked Questions